Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Accidental drunken bunkin'

Saturday was such a fun day.

First, Annie and I went down to the ACAC headquarters for our first workshop in screen printing. It was one of those community-outreach classes, and it cost only $15 for two sessions, so I wasn't expecting much. I was just hoping to find out more about what screen printing is, exactly, and figure out whether I wanted to explore further.

A wonderful surprise: The class totally rocked. The instructor, Erin, opened by saying she'd never taught a class before. I believe her because she said it; but she was so good at it, you'd think she'd been teaching this stuff for years. She was clear and thorough and accessible and fun. Some folks in the class had more art experience than others, but this class worked for everybody.

We got our screens prepared. (The emulsion has to dry, so we can't finish up burning our images until this Saturday.) Then we played with screens Erin had designed and had on hand, getting used to the technique. We had a ball experimenting with inks and patterns. Annie even printed a piece of fabric--such a cool and funky result.

I cannot wait for this Saturday's class!

Saturday was also college-graduation day for Brittnie, our friend Scarlett's daughter. Scarlett had intended to stay over with me on Saturday night; but by the time all the events were over, she was tired, stressed out, and worried about her kitties, which were home alone. She dropped by for a short chat, intending to drive back to Fort Smith early.

But first we had a Corona. Which made us think we needed to run to the liquor store and buy some cachaca so we could make caipirinhas. (An idea inspired by this post by Elegant Snobbery.) And then...we made some caipirinhas. And then Anne called and said she could join us for supper, after all. So I made biggo girlie salads and we ate...and drank another caipirinha.

So let me just say that there was a lot of decompressing, snort-laughing galore, drunken embroidery lessons, and accidental nose piercing. Scarlett stayed over on my luxurious inflatable bed. (Sorry, Scar.) And she drove home early Sunday to find that the kitties had survived comfortably and were only a little hostile about her absence. All is well.

I love it when a plan works. And I love it even more when there's no plan, and it still works.


Anne said...

*snort laughing thinking of the accidental nose piercing!*

Thank you for suggesting the ACAC workshops, and then signing up with me. I would never have been brave enough to do it without a friend by my side. Thank you for opening your home for a spontaneous drunken bunkin' session. Thank you for the salad and drinks, and thank you for the embroidery lesson. Art, friends, booze. Saturday really was a wonderful day.

Anne said...

Oh, and I want to state for the record that it was NOT I who accidentally stabbed herself in the nose with a needle... I drink and stitch responsibly, thank you very much.

idyll hands said...

ouch - all of you - put down the needles or put down the drinks... wait, put down the needles and keep the drinks.

Unknown said...

WAHOOO!!! I can't believe you made the Caipirinhas!! I'm so glad! How did you like them? Zingy little things, aren't they?

Lisa_in_AR said...

Ok, I had never heard of these drinks til last weekend at my friend's house in Munich. We had a few of those babies...WHEW! Yum! The liquor he used was "Pitu"...must be a different brand.