Friday, November 30, 2007

My crush on Tim Holtz

Okay, I'm not really crushing on Tim so much. (Although he is really cute, I don't think he's available and, besides, that would be some serious cradle robbing.) But I have had a crush on his work--his techniques, his products, his teaching style--for several years. And now I am deeply in love with his studio.

Tim is one of the few prominent males in the scrapbooking and altered art world. He's a designer and rep for Ranger Industries, and he has signature products (including instructional videos) with several other companies, as well. A few days ago, Stacie sent me a link to a You Tube video of Tim demonstrating a new signature product: grungeboard. OMG! It's so cool! I immediately hit eBay and ordered some. And, because it was a slow workday (shhhhh!), I cruised around You Tube looking for more videos, eventually winding up at Tim's web site and then his blog.

He's just so real. He's got all the same qualities that I've seen in Etsy artists and YaYas. No matter how amazing their work, they are humble--truly grateful and amazed when their work is recognized. As I worked my way down through the history of blog posts, I found three entries that document Tim's studio. True to form, he explained how he put it together--a rotating rack he scavenged from a former employer's trash pile, bookcases from Home Depot, wire racks from Costco, improvised ribbon rack from an Ikea curtain rod and some S hooks. And the words that warmed my heart the most: His studio used to be his master bedroom!

I think he's sleeping in his guest room so he has more room for his art. I think he could get sponsors to outfit his studio with all the latest hoopla, but he'd rather invent his storage.

Tim Holtz is an unwitting YaYa!!! I think I'll be reading his blog every day from now on.

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